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Mindsci Hypnosis

Watch my beginner's video guide to hypnotherapy.

Kind Words - Mar '24

"I do have a pain management team but I found your stuff far far more supportive!"

N~~ B~~~~~~~
(Alexa patient)

Amazon EchoAmazon Echo

I have a collection of hypnotherapies available, free of charge, via Amazon's Echo devices.

To use my 'Skill', command, "Alexa, enable Hypno Therapist."

I've collected a lot of five star reviews for my service but this one takes the biscuit - or not, as the case may be.

"I have only tried one session for three nights in a row so far. I listen to the slimming session. I really do not know what he is saying as I end up falling asleep during the relaxation part. But whatever he is saying is working. My cravings are gone. I try not to bring tempting food into my house but my husband does not cooperate. I am a sucker for starchy foods. I will eat a loaf of bread with nothing on it. But from the first time I listened, or should I say fell asleep to the session my cravings are gone. Pizza is my weakness. Woke up this morning and on the counter was a pizza box that my husband had for lunch at work and brought his leftover home. Normally, I would have been over it. But I had no desire for it at all. I have not had a slice of bread since starting the session. Soda is another weakness. My husband works the graveyard shift so when I wake up I normally look to see what he has brought home. There is always a half bottle of soda in his lunch bag. It is usually the first thing I reach for in the morning. The half bottles of soda are piling up in the refrigerator. I have no desire for them. And it's not like I look at them and say "I shouldn't", it's more like the thought of them doesn't even cross my mind. I have no desire at all for them. And I'm drinking water like it is going out of style. I hate water but now I am craving water. I will be looking into what more this hypnotherapist has to offer."

If Amazon's voice-interface to the 'Internet of Things' is a mystery to you, the brief introductory video below might help. In it, I use and Echo Dot, which retails for about £50 in the UK.


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